Saturday, June 4, 2011


Sorry guys, but this is a long one!

One of my supervisors invited the other interns and I into the city to see his friend's Manhattan apartment that he is dogsitting for. Of course, we accepted his invitation. We spent the afternoon on 5th avenue (I know, I stuck out) shopping and admiring the swanky stores along the street. After a while, we decided to make the long haul over to the apartment and meet our supervisor. This walk was at least 20 blocks, which isn't the first time we have had a long walk like this, but we finally made our way over to that side of the city. As we get closer, we get a text instructing us to tell the man at the front desk that we need to go to the 35th floor. As we look around, we have identified the building that we are heading to, but we refused to believe that this was the building we were supposed to be in. As it turns out, this incredible building ended up being our destination, to our disbelief. We head up to the 35th floor (there was only one floor above it), and head into the apartment. As we enter the apartment, we noticed the windows surrounding us on each wall. We quickly went out on the balcony which overlooked much of the Manhattan island. You can see the Hudson Bay, some of Times Square, the Empire State building, the Chrysler building, and the Statue of Liberty. WHAT?!?!?! We couldn't believe that we were actually there. A man from a small town from Kansas that has barely 600 people, on a 35th floor apartment in Manhattan! This day was also extremely windy and the railings had glass windows around them in order to see the city even when sitting down. This made me relatively anxious, but in a good way! My heart was jumping the whole time, but the disbelief was motivating me to stay out and enjoy this breathtaking experience! I truly wish you were all there to share that experience with me!

After a wonderful dinner and social time with my co-interns and supervisor, we decided to venture toward the Hell's Kitchen area and have an adult beverage or two. Side note: my co-interns are both classy young ladies that just happen to notice that it was fleet week. Fleet week, if you didn't already know, is when the city is invaded by sailors in uniform. They must have like 5 or 6 different uniforms because they wear them constantly because they know that it makes women of all ages melt... and they are everywhere! So my co's wanted to, of course, fulfill every girls dream and meeting a sailor man. We ended up going to a bar called The Pony Bar which offers a fine menu of microbrews (which excited me) and we spotted sailors going int (which excited them). While they were talking to sailor men, I watched the Yankees game with a guy that was from Jersey and was really friendly! After a while, we decided to change venues (i forget the name, but it was Toxic or something like that). In arriving, I quickly made friends with these Irish chaps at the bar. There were 4 of them and they were extremely friendly and were excited that I could understand their accent. I couldn't help but think that they sounded like Charlie from Lost... which I enjoyed!

At around 2:30am, I decided that I was tired and wanted to go home. The ladies weren't ready to go home and decided to stay for a little while longer, whereas I felt like I was going to turn into a zombie at any time with my level of tiredness! Therefore, I started my venture to the New Jersey Transit train station. As I walked, I noticed that I was at least 12 blocks away from the station. While I was not very drunk at all, I was extremely tired and not excited to be walking a long distance again! I just happened to run into the nice Yankees fan from the Pony Bar again and we had a small chat again before we parted ways. As soon as I made it to the train station, I looked on this giant board to see if I could see a train leaving for Dover, the train that goes to Newark Broad street, which is about 3 blocks from the residence hall I'm staying at. Alas, there was no Dover train listed. I decided to ask a police officer when the next train was and he explained that the next one was at 5:40am... uh oh..... So I then started walking toward the PATH station which I knew took longer, but I wasn't about to wait for 3 hours for a train and sleep in the station.

I get on the PATH train which I knew had to take me to Hoboken first on weekends. It takes me at least 30 minutes before I had to transfer trains, which is 2 stops away from Newark. As I get off the train to transfer, I asked a lady how long this usually takes, in which she said it wouldn't take long. So here I am, waiting on this train stop with about 30 other people that are drunk and dressed accordingly which is a story in and of itself. It takes about 25 minutes of tired me pacing back and forth on this train stop before the train FINALLY comes! I get on the train and notice that its about 3:50am and I know that the shuttle that runs from the Newark station (about a mile and a half away from home) stops running at 4am.

I get off the train and get outside at the strike of 4:04am. I have just missed the shuttle that runs to the university and now am weighing my options. I wanted to call them to see if there just happened to be a shuttle still running, but my phone had just died. I have $4, but can possibly go get money out of an ATM to pay for a taxi. While I'm pondering these thoughts, I begin to notice the demons that were beginning to surround the area of the Newark train station. Needless to say, there were some suspicious fellows beginning to prowl for those that are intoxicated coming back from the city... aka-me! I ask a police officer if he knew about the shuttle or a taxi that took debit and he said that he couldn't help me... douche! He also had the decency to explain that if I decided to walk back, I WOULD get jumped... thanks a lot bro! So, I decide a taxi is my best bet. I approached a few taxis and asked how much it would be to go back to the university... 8 bucks, but as previously explained, I have $4. It took a while, but a polite Pakistani taxi driver took pity on me and decided to give me a ride for said amount. He shared with me his story of where he lived and how he got to the USA during our short ride, but all I could think about is how unbelievably tired I am!

I made it home safely and made sure that they ladies were back safe. All in all, it was an adventurous night of learning and something I'm glad I experienced! I have plenty more stories, but this night was particularly eventful so I decided to share! I apologize for how long it was, but I commend you for making it all the way! Thanks friends!

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